Java Programming - 12
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Question: The most commonly used ________eger type is int.
Correct Answer: int
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Question: The Process by which one object acquires properties of another object is ________.
Correct Answer: Inheritence
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Question: The easiest way to create a thread is to create a class that implements which interface?
Correct Answer: Runnable
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Question: What are the possible access modifiers while implementing interface methods?
Correct Answer: public
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Question: Which statement is used inside the switch to terminate a statement sequence?
Correct Answer: Break
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Question: Which statement is used to explicitly return from a method?
Correct Answer: Return
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Question: ________ is probably the least used java data type
Correct Answer: short
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Question: Java defines ________ Primitive type of data.
Correct Answer: Eight
Question: The switch statement does not require a break.
Correct Answer: False
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Question: Java's which system allows a thread to enter a synhcronized method on an object, and then wait there until some other thread explicitly notifies it to come out :-
Correct Answer: Messaging
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Question: The ________ keyword halts the execution of the current loop and forces control out of the loop.
Correct Answer: Break
Question: At any time, a thread can be terminated.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: Anonymous classes be implemented in an ________.
Correct Answer: Interface
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Question: Features of Java applets are :-
Correct Answer: They can be transmitted over internet , Require java enabled web browser
Question: When you write finalize() method for your class, you are overriding a finalizer inherited from a super class.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: To import a class, what is a syntax used?
Correct Answer: import classname;
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Question: The Bitwise Logical Operators are :-
Correct Answer: ^ , ^= , <<
Question: Boolean values can be cast into any other primitive type.
Correct Answer: False
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Question: Which method is used to determine the class of an object?
Correct Answer: getClass( ) method
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Question: The argument to which specifies the delayperiod in milliseconds
Correct Answer: sleep( )
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Question: ________can be extended.
Correct Answer: Interface
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Question: Which are the java's control statements?
Correct Answer: For , If , Switch
Question: There is no Global Variable in Java.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: After the new thread is created, it will not start running until you call its ________method.
Correct Answer: start( )
Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer
The Operators used in mathematical -Arithmetic Operator
Order in which operators are evaluated -Order of precedence
Whether an expression is evaluated -Associativity
left-to-right or right-to-left.
Java operator syntax for -right (= operator;)
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Question: Which Control Statements enable program execution to repeat one or more statements?
Correct Answer: Iteration
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Question: Which of these lines of code will compile?
Correct Answer: short s = 20; , char c = 32; , double d = 1.4;
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Question: Within what Java provides many levels of protection to allow control over the visiblity of variables and methods?
Correct Answer: Classes , Subclasses , Packages
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Question: Syntax to declare a variable in java is :-
Correct Answer: type identifier [=value][,identifier[=value]…]
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Question: What are the programming constructs?
Correct Answer: Sequential , Selection -- if and switch statements , Iteration -- for loop, while loop and do-while loop
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Question: What are means of encapsulating and containing the name space and scope of variables and methods?
Correct Answer: Classes , Packages , Subclasses
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Question: Which statement checks at the beginning of a loop to see whether the next loop iteration should occur?
Correct Answer: While
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Question: What are the Logical operators?
Correct Answer: OR() , AND(&) , XOR(^)
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Question: Which of the following assignments are valid?
Correct Answer: short s = 28; , double d = 2.3; , int I = '1';
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Question: Which one does not extend java.lang.Number?
Correct Answer: Boolean , Character
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Question: We can contruct a thread on any object that implements ________.
Correct Answer: Runnable
Question: Java compiler stores the .class files in the path specified in CLASSPATH environmental variable.
Correct Answer: False
Question: User-defined package can also be imported just like the standard packages.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: Which of the following are mathematical Expressions?
Correct Answer: (+ +) , (+ =) , (- =)
Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer
The data, or variable, defined within -Instance variable.
General form of Cast- (target--type)value
Determine the relationship that one -Relational Operator
operand has to the other
The secondary versions of the Boolean Logical Operators Logical Operator
AND and OR operators Short-Circuit
Question: A thread can be preempted by a higher priority thread.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: Java virtual machine works as ________ for the the bytecode.
Correct Answer: Interpreter
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Question: The mechanism which binds together the code and data and keeps both safe is ________.
Correct Answer: Encapsulation
Question: Object oriented programming organizes a program around processes acting on data.
Correct Answer: False
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Question: Which statements can be used with the java's loop?
Correct Answer: Jump , Continue , Break
Question: With java Type Casts are checked at both compile-time and runtime.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: What are the kinds of variables in Java?
Correct Answer: Instance, local, class variables
Java Programming - 11
Question: Threads of equal priority must voluntarily yield control to their peers.
Correct Answer: True
Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer
The Operators used in -Arithmetic Operator
mathematical expressions- Order in which operators are Order of precedence
Whether an expression is Associativity (= operator;)-
evaluated left-to-right or
Java operator syntax for right (= operator;) Comparison Operator
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Question: What can be created by instantiating an object type thread?
Correct Answer: Thread
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Question: ________method starts a threrad by calling its run method.
Correct Answer: start( )
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Question: How to declare an interface example?
Correct Answer: access class classname implements interface.
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Question: Multiple Choice Single Response
Correct Answer: Object oriented programming.
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Question: The name of the new thread is specified by ________.
Correct Answer: threadName
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Question: Java Operators can be divided into these groups :-
Correct Answer: Arithmetic , Bitwise , Relational
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Question: Which keyword is used to create an instance of a class?
Correct Answer: new
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Question: What are the kinds of variables in Java?
Correct Answer: Instance, local, class variables
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Question: Java was developed at :-
Correct Answer: Sun Microsystems
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Question: Java defines ________ Primitive type of data.
Correct Answer: Eight
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Question: There are ________ kinds of Floating point type
Correct Answer: Two
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Question: Classes usually consist of two things such as :-
Correct Answer: Instance variable , Methods
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Question: The Bitwise Logical Operators are :-
Correct Answer: ^ , ^= , <<
Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer
It can have only one of two- Boolean type
possible values
Float hightemp, lowtemp Float variable declarations Float variable declarations
Smallest int type -Byte
Floating point numbers are Real Numbers Real Numbers
also known as
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Question: A ________ is a subclass of itself.
Correct Answer: Class
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Question: In ________ statement the value of the expression is compared with each of the literal values in case statements.
Correct Answer: Switch
Question: If the break statement is omited in switch statement, then execution will continue on into the next case.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: The ________ loop is java's most fundamental looping statement.
Correct Answer: While
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Question: A Java application can execute anywhere on the network, this implements that Java is :-
Correct Answer: Architecture neutral
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Question: In ________ statement condition is true, then statement 1 is executed.
Correct Answer: If
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Question: Which statement will always execute the body of a loop at least once?
Correct Answer: Do
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Question: Which thread is created automatically when the program is started?
Correct Answer: Main thread
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Question: Which is a public static member of thread?
Correct Answer: currenthread( ) , mainthread( )
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Question: The Stack performs which two function?
Correct Answer: pop( ) , push( )
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Question: What returns a reference to the thread in which it is called?
Correct Answer: Method , Class , Object
Question: Is it necessary to implement all the methods of an interface while implementing the interface
Correct Answer: False
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Question: Modulus operator % can be applied to these data types :-
Correct Answer: floating Point , Integer , Character
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Question: The ________ loop repeats a set of statements a certain number of times until a condition is matched.
Correct Answer: For
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Question: Which statement has a the effect of "jumping out" of the switch statement?
Correct Answer: Break
Question: By default, all program import the java.lang package.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: Which Control Statements allow the program to choose different paths of execution?
Correct Answer: Selection
Question: A thread can voluntarily relinquish control.
Correct Answer: False
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Question: ________ statement in java is conditional branch statement.
Correct Answer: If
Question: As abstract class must have at least one abstract method and others may be concrete or abstract.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: Which statement used inside a set of nested loops, will only break out of the innermost loop?
Correct Answer: Break
Your Answer: Break
Question: When an object is referenced, it mean that it has been identified by the finalizer method for garbage collection.
Correct Answer: False
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Question: Which cast must be used to cast an object to another class?
Correct Answer: Specific cast.
Question: Byte can be Cast to Double Value.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: What are the programming constructs?
Correct Answer: Sequential , Selection -- if and switch statements , Iteration -- for loop, while loop and do-while loop
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Question: When can a constructor be called without specifying arguments?
Correct Answer: When there are no constructors for the class
Question: Variable in an interface are implicitly final and static.
Correct Answer: True
Question: Boolean data type have only Yes or No value.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: Which are the two threads of java?
Correct Answer: mainthread( ) , childthread( )
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Question: Within what Java provides many levels of protection to allow control over the visiblity of variables and methods?
Correct Answer: Classes , Subclasses , Packages
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Question: Which method is used to determine the class of an object?
Correct Answer: getClass( ) method
Java Programming - 10
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Question: The mechanism by which java frees the memory occupied by unused objects is ________.
Correct Answer: Garbage Collection
Question: Running threads can be suspended, which temporarily suspends its activity.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: Which Control Statements enable program execution to repeat one or more statements?
Correct Answer: Iteration
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Question: The ________ repeat a set of code while the condition is false.
Correct Answer: While loop
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Question: The ________ is similar to break, except that instead of halting the execution of the loop, it starts the next iteration.
Correct Answer: Continue
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Question: Which Control Statement allow the program to execute in a non-linear fashion?
Correct Answer: Jump
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Question: Which class can be extended?
Correct Answer: threadclass
Question: A thread's priority is used to decide when to switch from one running thread to the next, this is called as the context switch.
Correct Answer: True
Question: Each class in java can have a finalizer method.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: Which of the following is the declaration of an array of string objects?
Correct Answer: String[ ] s; , String [ ]s: , String[ s]:
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Question: Java virtual machine works as ________ for the the bytecode.
Correct Answer: Interpreter
Question: Constructors can be overloaded like regular methods.
Correct Answer: True
Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer
Methods- Member of Class
Stack First In, -Last Out First In,
Class Object- Oriented Programming
Object- Instance of Class
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Question: Java's multithreading system is built upon :-
Correct Answer: Thread class , Its methods , Companion interface
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Question: Which one does not extend java.lang.Number?
Correct Answer: Boolean , Character
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Question: The mechanism which binds together the code and data and keeps both safe is ________.
Correct Answer: Encapsulation
Question: There is no Global Variable in Java.
Correct Answer: True
Question: Object oriented programming organizes a program around processes acting on data.
Correct Answer: False
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Question: Which loops can be nested in java?
Correct Answer: While , Do-while , For
Question: Threads priorities are not integers that specify the relative priority of one thread to another.
Correct Answer: False
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Question: How can class be imported from a package to a program?
Correct Answer: import java.packagename.classname
Question: When for loop start the execution, the initialization portion of the loop is executed.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: To import a class, what is a syntax used?
Correct Answer: import classname;
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Question: Which are the java's control statements?
Correct Answer: For , If , Switch
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Question: The Process by which one object acquires properties of another object is ________.
Correct Answer: Inheritence
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Question: A ________ is declared by use of the class keyword.
Correct Answer: class
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Question: ________ variables are declared by use of the Byte Keyword.
Correct Answer: Byte
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Question: Select the facility provided along with JVM which enhances speed of execution :-
Correct Answer: Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler.
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Question: Method definition has four parts, they are :-
Correct Answer: Name of the method , Type of object , List of parameters
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Question: How many concrete classes can you have inside an interface?
Correct Answer: none
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Question: Which statement checks at the beginning of a loop to see whether the next loop iteration should occur?
Correct Answer: While
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Question: How to change the values of the elements of the array?
Correct Answer: By using array subscript expression
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Question: What are means of encapsulating and containing the name space and scope of variables and methods?
Correct Answer: Classes , Packages , Subclasses
Match The Following
Question -Correct Answer
Exit any loop Break Exit
If -Else
Loop -While
Jump -Break, continue, return
Question: Casting between primitive types allows conversion of one primitive type to another.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: The smallest integer type is ________.
Correct Answer: Byte
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Question: class conditional { public static void main(String args[]) { int i = 20; int j = 55; int z = 0; z = i < j ? i : j; // ternary operator System.out.println("The value assigned is " + z); } } } What is output of the above program?
Correct Answer: The value assigned is 20
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Question: Multiple inheritance in Java can be achieve by ________.
Correct Answer: Interface
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Question: Exit statement is optional in which loops in java?
Correct Answer: While , Do-while , For
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Question: The range of Byte is ________
Correct Answer: (-128 to 127)
Question: In While loop condition can be any Boolean expression
Correct Answer: True
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Question: When java program starts up, one thread begin runing and it is called ________thread.
Correct Answer: main( )
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Question: The ________ statement defines a name space in which classes are stored
Correct Answer: Packages
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Question: Packages act as containers for :-
Correct Answer: Classes , Subordinate packages
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Question: How array is defined?
Correct Answer: int arr[];
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Question: What modifiers may be used with top-level class?
Correct Answer: Public , Abstract , Final
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Question: Which statements can be used with the java's loop?
Correct Answer: Jump , Continue , Break
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