Object Oriented Analysis and Design - 17
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the
risk incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :-
Correct Answer: Project Risk Management
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by
the external environment is
Correct Answer: Adaptive Maintenance
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Question:A documentation is tested through :-
Correct Answer: Technical Review , Actual Operational Review
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Question:In Interface Stage of SSAD phase the focus is on:-
Correct Answer: User Comfort
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Question:A type of testing which verifies that all the system elements are meshed
properly and that overall system function / performance is achieved is:-
Correct Answer: System testing
Select The Blank
Question:A ________ deals with identification and assessment of potential hazards of
software failing and its impact on the systems.
Correct Answer: Software Safety
Question:The Water Fall Model is used where the risk factor is almost nil
Correct Answer: True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:A System in which next state of the system can be predicted without doubt is :-
Correct Answer: Deterministic
Question:Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development
Correct Answer: False
Question:System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.
Correct Answer: False
Question:ISO 9001 is used to develop quality assurance systems.
Correct Answer: True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:A type of testing where the focus is on design and development of the software
architecture is termed as:-
Correct Answer: Integration Testing
Question:The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document.
Correct Answer: True
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Question:A Principle in which the Functional Cohesion between the sub system is
Correct Answer: Decomposition
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Question:SQA efforts most primarily assures:-
Correct Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability
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Question:The Customer Requirements could be analyzed by:-
Correct Answer: Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users
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Question:The extent the software meets the customer quality goals and expectations is
termed as :-
Correct Answer: Correctness
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Question:The Factors enabling easy change are :-
Correct Answer: Maintainability , Flexibility , Testability
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer:
Development of the -Software Software Programs
Corrective Maintenance- Analysis Process, Tools & Methods
Layers -Software
Requirement Specifications -Definition Phase
Select The Blank
Question:Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________.
Correct Answer: Functional Dependency
Select The Blank
Question:A collection of programs written to service other set of programs and its
functions is called as ________
Correct Answer: System Software
Select The Blank
Question:________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture
that enables a business to use Information Effectively.
Correct Answer: Business Processing Engineering
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the
development, operation and maintenance of the software is termed as
Correct Answer: Software Engineering
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:RMMM Plan deals with :-
Correct Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management
Select The Blank
Question:In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil
Correct Answer: Water Fall
Question:Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.
Correct Answer: False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:Black Box testing techniques are:-
Correct Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary
Value Analysis
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:The types of Software are
Correct Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:Following are the data models namely:-
Correct Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model
Select The Blank
Question:________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any
unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.
Correct Answer: Functional Dependency
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:The stages of the Iterative Models are
Correct Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-
Correct Answer: Technology , People , Requirements
Select The Blank
Question:________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the
deployment platform.
Correct Answer: Beta
Question:The major resources in the project is people and funds.
Correct Answer: False
Match The Following
Question: Correct Answer:
Entity -Object which is Uniquely Distinguished
Hierarchical Model -Tree Structure
Network Model -Network Communications
Relational Model -Data are Linked
Select The Blank
Question:The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality
system as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO.
Correct Answer: Quality System Procedure
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:Who Defines SE as the application of a Systematic, disciplined and
quantifiable approach to the development and maintenance of a Software
Correct Answer: IEEE
Question:People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology.
Correct Answer: False
Question:Six Sigma is one of the most widely used strategy for statistical quality
assurance in an industry.
Correct Answer: True
Select The Blank
Question:A ________ has to be performed regularly throughout the achievement life
Correct Answer: Risk Management
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Question:Work Break Down Structure can also be traced back to ?
Correct Answer: System Requirements Specifications , Requirement Definition &
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Question:A type of testing where the focus is user and user Behavior is:-
Correct Answer: Usage based testing
Question:A Software solution is evolved in parts as in an incremental fashion in
incremental model
Correct Answer: True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:System Testing Techniques are :-
Correct Answer: Alpha Test , Beta Test
Select The Blank
Question:________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the
development environment.
Correct Answer: Alpha
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:In Design Phase at data and data Structure stage the focus is on:-
Correct Answer: Entities and Attributes
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:The Extent of effort to locate the error and fix it is :-
Correct Answer: Maintainability
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question:A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the
risk incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :-
Correct Answer: Project Risk Management
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:RMMM Plan deals with :-
Correct Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management
Select The Blank
Question:In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil
Correct Answer: Water Fall
Question:Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.
Correct Answer: False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:Black Box testing techniques are:-
Correct Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary
Value Analysis
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:The types of Software are
Correct Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:Following are the data models namely:-
Correct Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model
Select The Blank
Question:________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any
unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.
Correct Answer: Functional Dependency
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:The stages of the Iterative Models are
Correct Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question:In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-
Correct Answer: Technology , People , Requirements
Select The Blank
Question:________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the
deployment platform.
Correct Answer: Beta
Question:The major resources in the project is people and funds.
Correct Answer: False
Match The Following
Question:Correct Answer:
Entity -Object which is Uniquely Distinguished
Hierarchical Model -Tree Structure
Network Model- Network Communications
Relational Model -Data are Linked
Select The Blank
Question:The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality
system as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO.
Correct Answer: Quality System Procedure
Object Oriented Analysis and Design - 16
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The key feature that enables users/application to cooperate and collaborate in
application processing is named as :-
Correct Answer: Concurrency
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: In designing classes, we are improving and enriching the class content in
terms of properties and we screen them for :-
Correct Answer: Local and communication association , Eliminating unnecessary
association , Identifying the relationship, top-down or bottom up, aggregation and
declaring relationship pattern.
Question: More use classes may not necessarily bring better understanding or more
Correct Answer: False
Select The Blank
Question: ________helps to integrate homogeneous database system with multiple
database and data types other than relational data types.
Correct Answer: MDBS
Question: A state chart diagram shows method of execution on receipt of message and
activities used in the method.
Correct Answer: True
Question: The registration form is filled for each member of family under one address
Correct Answer: True
Select The Blank
Question: We extensively use ________ for processing, refining and designing classes.
Correct Answer: UML
Select The Blank
Question: The user must have access to both OODB and RDB to manipulate data. The
developer therefore must develop applications that could source data from ________
databases [ OODB, RDB etc] .
Correct Answer: All
Question: When the system is modeled into different case scenarios it not only goes
down to a level of function and features, but also reveals relationships and behaviours
amongst different system components.
Correct Answer: True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The concept of OOPS was first introduced in
Correct Answer: Simula Language
Question: With its strength, ODBC has become an industry standard for
interoperatability on different databases.
Correct Answer: True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The following are the columns to be filled in DVD reservation slip :-
Correct Answer: Name [ title ] , DVD ID , Required date
Select The Blank
Question: The row of table in RDBMS contains data which maps ________ of class in
Correct Answer: Instance
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The sequence of states that the object goes through when it receives a message
to act is shown by the diagram called :-
Correct Answer: State chart diagram
Question: Mapping of multiple inheritance into a single table is possible in RDBMS.
Correct Answer: True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: All OODBMS products namely O2, Objectivity, Object Store and Versant
support following DBMS criteria :-
Correct Answer: User defined datatype , Is_a relationship , Part_of relationship
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: How big is a class object?
Correct Answer: Is as big as sum of the sizes of its member variables
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: In OOSAD, the object is the unit used for analysis of the system, hence it is
Correct Answer: OOA [ Object Oriented Analysis ]
Select The Blank
Question: ________ of an object remains unchanged even though its state and properties
Correct Answer: Identity
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: If Dog derives from Mammal, and Mammal derives from Animal, then -
Correct Answer: Dog inherits Animal's functions and data
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The lock that cause interruption of the program when a new value is
committed in OODB is called :-
Correct Answer: Notify lock
Question: UML supports both static modeling and dynamic modeling
Correct Answer: True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: In Object Oriented technology following expression is appropriate
Correct Answer: object=data+menthods
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: In context of transactions, OODBMS :-
Correct Answer: Handle nested transactions , Supports MROW , Supports long
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The lock that ensures that no other transaction is commited till the transaction
is in the mode of updation and creation of new version of object, is called
Correct Answer: Write Lock
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer:
Class Shape- Triangle, rectangle, circle, ellipse
Class Vehicle- Scooter, car, truck, tractor
Class Animal -Cat, dog, cow, tiger
Class Color- Red, yellow, blue, green
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Various database packages are :-
Correct Answer: Sibase , SAP , Oracle
Select The Blank
Question: When you express user-system interaction, the scenario in the model is called
Correct Answer: Case model
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: In DAD, the domain-specific & organisation-specific terms are covered under
the title :-
Correct Answer: Features
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: In the railway transport environment, the same train [ train name, number etc ]
leave everyday from one station to the other. But in their operations, dates, drivers,
passengers etc differ every day. This pattern is called :-
Correct Answer: Abstraction-Occurrence Pattern
Select The Blank
Question: A class is the________ for an object.
Correct Answer: Template
Question: The principle of polymorphism helps to extend and modify the system scope
through appropriate messaging mechanism.
Correct Answer: True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: Access to other OODBMS comprises of :-
Correct Answer: Read data resident in other OODB , Modify data resident in other
OODB , Read data resident on RDBMS
Question: The UI should be designed for blind and mechanical operation.
Correct Answer: True
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Question: The main function will have following contents in C++
Correct Answer: Name of class followed by name of object , Name of object and
method separated by dot operator. , Variable declaration
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Question: The method for industrial development of software based on use-case-driven
design is
Correct Answer: OOSE [ Object Oriented Software Engineering ]
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Question: OODBMS standards comprise of :-
Correct Answer: ODL , OQL , ODMG C++ binding
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The main difference between structure and class is
Correct Answer: Structure does not support OOPS Class Supports OOPS.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The class and its hierarchy build through inheritance should lead to a :-
Correct Answer: Single purpose class
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: A first step in design is to construct a static UML class diagram consisting of:-
Correct Answer: Class name , Attributes , Methods
Question: Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams are very difficult to select
classes and objects.
Correct Answer: False
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: The solution to simplicity of design lies in the following factors :-
Correct Answer: Class design , Building hierarchy , Grouping classes in aggregate sets
that have similar characteristics.
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: The purpose of declaring 'private' is :-
Correct Answer: Data hiding from accidental changes
Select The Blank
Question: Invoice and ________ are two classes in the noun phrase approach .But
Amount is an attribute in invoice, hence should be rejected for class consideration.
Correct Answer: Amount
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer:
Standard procedure -Method
Table Scheme- representing complex relationships between entities
Column- Refers datatype and name
Row -Refers data for single entry
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question: In Railway Reservation and Ticketing system, we can call following
parameters as attributes of class Passenger :-
Correct Answer: Name , Age , Sex
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: In DAD, the information providers such as users, customers, vendors and
stakeholders paly a role of
Correct Answer: Participants
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